Friday, November 16, 2007



If you’re interested in building relationships with other women, trying some new recipes, and really enjoy reading a book, then you’ve found the place! This is something new to our area but there are so many women out there who love to read and there are so many different Christian books out there! I hope to enjoy all types of written content in the form of novels, fiction, non-fiction, historical, etc. It will bring women together to grow and encourage each other in faith. No matter how busy you are, I’d like to make this as flexible and fun as possible!

Here is how it will work. Starting Thursday, February 7th, we will have our first meeting to select our first book. I will give two book choices at the beginning of each month to vote on. There will also be 2-3 dishes/desserts/snacks to try with their recipes beside them. We will try and rotate women and their recipes to try every month and everyone gets to take home a print out copy of the recipes they tried that evening.

TIME: 7pm-9pm and it is open to women of all ages and stages in life!

PLACE: Bay Area Community Church (room still to be decided).

During the course of the month I will post questions to keep in mind while you’re reading, I will also post discussion questions in a forum on the website so if you have time or enjoy doing so, you can comment and get a discussion going to interact with others about the book. Obviously, only meeting once a month we can’t cover or go over the entire book in detail, but having the forum opens up the time and opportunity for women to share more about the book and to grow in learning about what Christian principals we can take away from the book.

It is your responsibility to get your own copy of the book we’ve selected to read. I will personally recommend a good website or book store that gives a discount that you can take advantage of. I will post that information soon for details on each book we’re reading that month.

NOTE: This is NOT a bible study. So please bring friends who like to eat and read! This is a very informal club and we’re just creating a place where women can share thoughts and explore all the amazing Christian authors that are out there! Not to mention, getting a little social time for those of us who don’t get to fellowship or bond with many Christian women out there. I also intended this to be an outreach tool to bring other women or your neighbors or mother’s of your children’s friends, to a neutral place to enjoy a book and fun new recipies. It’s not a bible study where we are pushing God on them, so to speak. But a place where they can get a deeper meaning and guidance out of what God-inspired authors have to teach us about every day life; authors with morals and values to share. Whether you’re a strong, Godly woman, or just a “good person,” we will help give you encouragement and faith to go about your life.

Please feel free to contact me, Christina Bachmann, by phone or email at about your thoughts, book suggestions, or even club ideas on how we can better suit the book loving, busy women out there! To join the club so we can get a head count, please give me your name and email by sending me an email or leaving me a message on my voicemail 410-874-7062.